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RSS FeedsGoogle`s Contacts app now lets you for search contacts you haven`t saved
(Android Central)


19 february 2020 19:16:26

Google`s Contacts app now lets you for search contacts you haven`t saved
(Android Central)

People you`ve emailed but haven`t necessarily saved as contacts are now searchable. What you need to know Google has updated the Contacts app with a nifty quality of life feature. You can now search the Contacts app for people you`ve interacted with but haven`t saved as contacts. The new change was previously rolling out as a server-side feature but is now live for all. The Contacts app isn`t necessarily what you`ll think of as a hero app. It`s more of like a mug. Pretty boring and mundane, but good on a day to day basis. Google has added a new feature (as spotted by Android Police) to the app to make it even more helpful. Now, you`ll be able to search for contacts that are saved in your Contacts library. For instance, let`s say you had an email exchange with a business prospect, you`d now be able to search their names up in the Contacts app and have their email and contacts card surfaced without having to add them to your address list. It`s a small but helpful feature that Go...

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